SpaceCV is a school project where students at High Tech Middle Chula Vista and High Tech High Chula Vista conducted science experiments on the International Space Station. They are looking at whether gravity affects the transfer of heat.
In collaboration with Quest for Space, a Silicon Valley company aimed at connecting students with space, students
In collaboration with Quest for Space, a Silicon Valley company aimed at connecting students with space, students
- learned about space, heat transfer, electricity and coding
- spoke with an astronaut
- programmed a LEGO mindstorm
- constructed an experiment ground unit
- carried out the engineering design process
Heat Transfer
Heat is transferred with
electromagnetic waves with radiation. Example: The microwave heats the popcorn with electromagnetic waves. |
Heat is transferred with the
movement of matter (air, gas or liquid) with convection. Example: The air popper heats up the air around the popcorn. |
Heat is transferred with
direct contact with conduction. Example: The pot of popcorn is in direct contact with the stove. |